Registration Closed – Spring 2024 Implementing a Culturally Responsive Practice Workshop
Registration for the Spring 2024 Implementing a Culturally Responsive Practice is now closed. Look out for our fall session coming in October.
Registration for the Spring 2024 Implementing a Culturally Responsive Practice is now closed. Look out for our fall session coming in October.
The William J. Watkins, Sr. Educational Institute is pleased to announce its winners for the 2021-22 Kamau Imani Parker Morrison Teaching Scholarship. This year's pool had two applicants with very deserving qualifications so the committee decided to award the scholarship to both recipients, Alicia Hewlett and Paiton Moloy. Alicia Hewlett is completing her training at [...]
Middle Passage Resources […]
Congratulations to Kayla Fointno, the winner of the inaugural award of the Kamau Imani Parker-Morrison Scholarship competition. Kayla is a senior at North Carolina A&T State University. Kayla will be graduating in December of 2019. She has a 3.52 GPA and is on the Dean's List. Kayla refers to a teacher she had in [...]
This post is based on a roundtable discussion I participated in at the 2015 African Heritage Studies Association Conference in New York City, NY. My oldest son, Akil Parker, was also a member of that panel speaking on his experience as a math teacher. Introduction This paper is a reflection on my more than 30 [...]
Through a generous donation to The William J. Watkins, Sr. Educational Institute, Inc. we have partnered with Southwest Academy Middle School in Baltimore County to provide seven teachers with our year long "Cultivating a Culturally Responsive Practice" teacher training. Our philosophy that the most important relationship as regards student success is that between the teacher [...]
New Black Leadership By the middle of the 1880’s there was a shift in Baltimore’s African American leadership. The Republican hold on the black community was beginning to be reexamined. African Americans questioned the propriety of supporting candidates who only used their support to get into office and once elected did not follow through on [...]
Baltimore’s Black community has been fighting for adequate public education for our children since the Baltimore City Public School system was established in 1829. Many of the issues we were fighting for in the 19th century we are still struggling to acquire today. Initially we merely sought access to the public schools. While we paid [...]
This pamphlet is a useful set of guidelines for parents to use for effectively engaging with their child’s school. It is written in easy to read plain English without a bunch of educational jargon. The overarching idea of the handbook is that parents want their children to attend the most effective school they can. The [...]
One of the many problems in today’s schools is that we have a tremendous disconnect between the students, how and what schools teach and the manner in which it is taught. We are using agrarian age facilities, employing an industrial business model to teach third millennium youth. In a PBS Frontline program about Michele Rhee [...]